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Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 21:36
Aerides Rita Coffman 'Elizabeth', AM/AOS (82 points) (Hermon Slade x multiflora) June 12, 1985

One hundred six flowers on six inflorescences, four on main plant and two on keiki; flowers white; sepals and petals solid fuchsia on outer margin with darker spotting toward center; lip solid fuchsia; form very good; substance heavy.


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 21:42
Aerides Rita Coffman 'Hunabu', HCC/AOS (76 points) (Hermon Slade x multiflorum) June 13, 1984

Thirty-one flowers and two buds on one inflorescence; base color of flowers white on the outer third of sepals and petals, solid fuchsia with darker spotting toward center; lip solid fuchsia.


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 21:44
Aerides affine v. alba 'Evelyn Pichette', CBM/AOS (82 points)


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 21:46
Aerides crassifolia 'Birchwood', CBM/AOS (82 points) April 1, 1972
Aerides crassifolia 'Birchwood', CCM/AOS (83 points) April 1, 1972

Eighty-five rosy-purple flowers flushed with white; seven spsiskes; tip of spur green, flowers gragrant, heavy substance; very well grown plant.



Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 21:49
Aerides crassifolia 'Fuchs Snowflake', CHM/AOS (80 points) June 10, 1987

Thirty-two flowers and three buds on three inflorescences; flowers small, pristine white; substance waxy; two small keikis off an old basal stem with two inflorescences on one and one on the other; recognized primarily for being a pure white form of the species.


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 21:53
Aerides falcata 'Little Man', AM/AOS (84 points) June 9, 2007

One hundred eighteen flowers and 23 buds beautifully arranged on three pendulous inflorescences; flowers cream-colored faded to white with age; sepals broad, rounded, outer margins marked rose-pink; petals rolled back, slightly cupped, similarly marked; lip tri-lobed, side lobes broad, held horizontally, prominent, random vertical marks centrally, spotted apically, midlobe completely folded downward along midline, rose-pink apically with short-fringed margin; column foot heavily striped rose-pink; substance firm; texture waxy.


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 21:54
Aerides falcata 'Robert', JC/AOS June 10, 1987

Forty-one flowers and 97 buds on six inflorescences; unusual semi-alba form of the species; sepals and petals pale green with white lip having a pale pink blush on apex; flower form typical for species.


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 21:56
Aerides falcata v. houlletiana 'Elsa', HCC/AOS (78 points) August 21, 1982

Fifty-four flowers and 40 buds on four inflorescences; sepals and petals creamy, tipped with amethyst; lip with reverse fan-shape amethyst marking on midlobe, extending to column, faint spotting on remainder of midlobe.


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 21:57
Aerides falcata var. houlletiana 'Golden Fragrance', AM/AOS (80 points) June 24, 1974

Thirty-five very aromatic flowers on one spike; burnish yellow color with amethyst tips on tepals; deep splash of amethyst on lip.


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 22:01
Aerides falcata var. houlletiana 'Liz', HCC/AOS (77 points) May 31, 1986

Forty-five flowers and 63 buds on four inflorescences; sepals and petals clear, intense yellow, distal portions marked with intense fuchsia; lip white, center marked with fuchsia.


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 22:04
Aerides falcata var. houlletiana 'River Hills', AM/AOS (81 points) July 26, 1972

Approximately 175 blooms on four healthy spikes; pale mustard color with amethyst tips on sepals and petals; deep splash of amethyst on lip.


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 22:05
Aerides fieldingii 'Amethyst Cloud', AM/AOS (81 points) June 17, 1972

Thirty-six flowers evenly diffused with amethyst, and 36 buds on one spike; inflorescence pendent, a raceme of densely clustered flowers; sepals ovate, deepening in color toward outer margins; petals evenly spotted; lip cordate, pleasingly striated.


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 22:07
Aerides fieldingii 'Beth', AM/AOS (83 points) April 15, 1982

Two pendulous inflorescences with 109 flowers and 58 buds; sepals and petals amethyst-pink, blending to light pink around the column; darker spotting on petals; lip amethyst-pink with darker line at center; substance good.


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 22:08
Aerides fieldingii 'Blooper', AM/AOS (82 points) May 25, 1996

Two hundred thirty-four flowers and eight buds on three full, pendent, well-presented inflorescences; flower base color white with brilliant amethyst spots on sepals and petals; lip white with amethyst stripes predominantly on keel; column with small amethyst spots; substance heavy; texture matte.


Re: Призеры AOS

Добавлено: 26 июл 2009, 22:10
Aerides fieldingii 'Ed', HCC/AOS (77 points) June 6, 1987

Forty-seven flowers and three buds on one inflorescence; flowers with crisp color markings, good conformation, heavy substance, sparkling texture, pleasing fragrance; coloration is best feature; arrangement of proximal portion detracted from score.
